Comic Series

No. 1 – Suit Up

Hello there! Jonas here, the creator of this comic strip.

I came up with this character about 10 years ago, when I was still a teen in art school. It was a struggle for me to write back then, I didn't know what to say, so I gave up. A lot has happened since and something about this character stuck with me, I always felt sad that I never really did anything with them. But now I'm ready to give this an honest shot!

My plan is to publish regularly for at least 1 year and see how it feels. If I have fun, and if people enjoy it - I'll probably keep going beyond that! My dream is to make a thousand strips.

I wanted to start with a bang, that's why I made this full-color, Sunday-style strip, inspired by Peanuts and Calvin & Hobbes. The rest will be shorter black-and-white strips. It will take too much time to do everything full-color. Hope you understand..!

Thank you for checking this out! I hope you'll come along for this ride with Space Deer and me.

- Jonas